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My Monterey

Fiberglass Repair

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The mounting of my back brackets on my bimini from my 298SS have come loose from my radar arch (see pic).


How can I repair the fiberglass so I can rescrew the bimini back in?






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If the area is directly under the mount, not visible after repair, you could to fill the hole with Bondo fiberglass filler. It's already mixed up and has glass strands in it. Just mix a little hardener and fill the holes, then re-drill. I haven't looked at mine to see...do they use a screw or rivet? I got a nasty gouge in the gel coat this last weekend. I will be filling AND gel coating at some point! Sucks.

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If the area is directly under the mount, not visible after repair, you could to fill the hole with Bondo fiberglass filler. It's already mixed up and has glass strands in it. Just mix a little hardener and fill the holes, then re-drill. I haven't looked at mine to see...do they use a screw or rivet? I got a nasty gouge in the gel coat this last weekend. I will be filling AND gel coating at some point! Sucks.



It's a screw. As a temporary solution, I put in a small piece of a plastic molly and tightened the screw. It held pretty well for now.

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Good to know! I will keep an eye on mine from now. The amount of force those things take is pretty incredible. Especially doing 25 knots into a 35mph wind! I took the bimini off the other day to power wash it and left it off all weekend as we went out and played. I REALLY like the look without the top...but the sun is just brutal when coved out. In the end it's better to have it on.

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I bought a hurricane Sandy damaged 2007 Monterey 298 SS that had the windshield and radar arch ripped off. Can you help me out, if you know the manufacture of either it would help me out immensely - PLEASE help. Thanks, Randy

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If you can't see it and it is under the actual bracket.... I'd put some JB Weld in there and rescrew it back down. Once the JB Weld dries... good to go.



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