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My Monterey
Joshua B Johnson

Arkansas Dealer?

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I purchased a 214FS in Arkansas about a year ago, and shortly after the purchase, the Monterey Dealer (American Outdoors) went out of business.


Where can I get access to parts / warranty info?


If you have a mercriuser engine like I have, they have sent me a paper in the mail with my engine and drive serial numbers and model numbers with a website called mercury parts express that I beleive you can get on at the main website for mercury, and get any part you need. The letter I got also said I could use any mercury authorized dealer for warranty work. Good luck.

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There is a Monterey dealer located in Hot Springs. It is Salty Dog Boating Center, 4931 Central Avenue and the phone number is 501-525-7007 (ask for Leo) or e-mail is www.leo@saltydogboatingcenter.com.


You can contact Mercury and Volvo for your closest engine and outdrive service center (good suggestion "flyboy") if need be:

www.mercurymarine.com or 405-743-6566

www.volvopenta.com or 757-436-5100


I hope this helps!

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Thanks for the info! I was able to get warranty work on the engine as you mentioned by utilizing an authorized Mercruiser mechanic.


I had seen that Salty Dog was listed as a dealer & just wanted to confirm (They're actually in the same location as the old dealership).


Thanks again.

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