Stumpy 0 Report post Posted May 14, 2011 Just bought a 97' 230 explorer with a 5.0L Alpha one and the prop that came on it was an aluminum 4 blade that I cannot read the diameter or pitch on. The owners manual says WOT is between 4200-4600 but unless my tach is defective I cannot get over 3000rpm. I put a SS 19p prop on it and gained about 5mph (40 mph top speed) but still didn't get over 3000rpm... I know I'd gain 200-300 rpm for each degree of pitch I lose but to get to 4400 WOT I'd need like a 15p prop... Does anyone know the size of the prop that would have come on this boat? What kind of problems does running a lower RPM do to the engine??? Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites