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My Monterey

Service soon

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Smart Craft system displays “service soon” even though all maintenance is complied with. We are at 100 hrs. On a 2015 Monterey 238SS with a Merc 350 Mag and Bravo 3. At engine start we get a 3 sec tone, 5 sec silence, then a 1sec tone followed by normal engine operation after scrolling that message. Each restart goes through this event. Any help to eliminate this at start up?

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Hello QTOF01.  Many of us have run into the same scenario regarding these really  annoying loud alarms related to the “Service Soon” advisories.  It was brought to my attention that service technicians use the Mercury G3 tool/device to reset that advisory for similar Mercury engines.  See if your local mechanic can confirm this information.  Some mariners/boaters have ventured out to pay a technician $50 to $100 to reset that annoying alarm.  Best, Dean 

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I thought, the "service soon" alert during the start of the motor is not avoidable, if you habe a Mercruiser without catalysator. You cannot quit this alert with any device.That´s my information.

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