Dear Monterey Owners,
It was truly a sad note hearing from Monterey personal about their whererhouse fire in 1999 destroying all their prior records and manuals..........
I am in need though of the owners manual for my boat and would gladly $pay$ for anyone with the same Monterey and year (Or close too) that I own to possibly copy their manual to mail to me. I would pay all expenses for your time (Including the ink for your copier/postage) But, if anyone can help us find a original owners manual or know how or where we can get one we would be forever in your debt. There is so much to learn and know with these larger boats and I would like to know my "True- Blue" inside and out.
This is a (1991) 270cr Monterey. This year is actually 29' (30 plus LOA) with a 9' 6" beam W/ a single 7.4L Merccruiser 350HP engine and Bravo 1 outdrive. It is almost like new now after all the work I had a Marine Shop put on her these past 3 months. We are very excited to try our actual first year of Marina Life Vacationing this Spring, Summer and Fall on Lake Michigan.
Thanks for your time and wishing you a Wonderful & Safe season of Monterey boating.
Best Regards,
"True- Blue" Alias: Mpseawolf