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My Monterey


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About buriram

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  1. It took some time, but Taylor Made was able to find the part numbers. Here are the canvas part numbers for the 2001 Monterey 302: 29226046201N Bimini top 29226046401N Aft top 29226046101N Camper top 29226046112 Connector (or windscreen) 29226046121 Bimini side curtains 29226046231 Camper aft curtain After the arch is the aft top and the camper top attaches to that OR an aft curtain zipps to the aft top. Lead time: 7 - 10 days.
  2. I have recently bought a 2001 Monterey 302 CR in the US and imported it to the Netherlands. When it arrived in Amsterdam, the bimini canvas was completely ruined, probably they have left it on while trailering. Now I need to replace (at least) the 2 bimini parts. I have contacted some local upholsterers, but they can replace only the whole canvas which will cost me a fortune and will take at least 3 months because now it is the high season over here. Therefor I have contacted Taylor Made (www.ameritexfabricsystems.com) who originally manufactured this canvas for Monterey. They asked me for the part numbers, but they are unfortunately unreadable (faded). They said they may be able to find the information there. Does anyone know the Taylor Made canvas part numbers? Thanks in advance for your help!
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