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My Monterey

Bob Britton

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Posts posted by Bob Britton

  1. Great to see another Aussie with a Monty. We thought we were about the only one!


    We're over here in Perth with a 1998 296SC - kinda like the ancestor to your 295. We privately imported her about four years back. She's been quite temperamental up to now (touch wood quick!) whilst we've gradually worked out how to keep her properly maintain her. It's been quite a learning curve - very enjoyable but punctuated by some character building breakdowns.


    Have a look at the International Boating button on the Discussion Board and make a post to keep it live. Maybe if you're in WA we could catch up?

  2. We have a 1999 276 is this what they would be looking for? We have the manual is this what you mean?


    Hey Fuelish Pleasure


    Thanks for this.


    Do you think you would :) be able to scan your manual to a .pdf and issue this to MOST. Then he can post this on the site for anyone to access. This would be a truly community-benefitting thing to do as those of us who share the enjoyment of older Montereys have been unable to get hold of manuals.


    For me, mine's a 296 but shares many features with your 276 so it would definitely be a help to me.


  3. Our 1998 296SC goes by the name of Hakuna Matata. Ex of North Fort, Florida she now berths in Claremont Western Australia (see International Boating!!!)


    Lovers of the Lion King Disney movie will know Timon and Pumba's song 'Hakuna Matata' - it means no worries (in Swaheli) and although she was named by her previous owner in Florida, it's a very appropriate name for Australia - No worries mate.

  4. Over the years, numerous owners of older Monterey's have posted, calling for help with manuals. MOST has told us that because of the fire, these records were lost. So, with this wonderful new website how about taking up the challenge, Monterey? There's a number of 276 and 296 owners around the world with these lovely boats. Surely someone out there has a manual and would be prepared to scan it and upload it to Monterey so that they can post it on their site.


    Are you up to the challenge of pursuing this, Mr. Administrator. A positive outcome would be so welcome, particularly to those of us foreigners who adore your boats but are surrounded by dealers and tradespeople who are completely unfamiliar with the boat. Maintenance and repairs is very much a case of feeling your way!

  5. We love our Monterey 1998 296Sc. I think she's the only 296 in Australia, although I believe there may be a slightly newer boat across the Tasman in NZ.


    Our boat is called Hakuna Matata - Lovers of the kids movie the Lion King will know that this means "No Worries" and really fits the West Australian way of life.


    I've attached a photo of her last Summer, moored at our island paradise, Rottnest - 20miles offshore.


    Let's hear from some other Australian Montys.



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