The 29' is a great boat; our only problem is the size---its a little small for us because we want to do more cruising....We just got back from a three day trip on the boat....We had about 3-4' seas in the gulf of mexico and it handled amazing. The boat cut through the chop with no problem. Once it was up on a plane, the boat ran amazing. We have volvos on the boat--540hp on the boat...It came fully loaded--air conditioning, Kohler generator, vaccuflush head, hidden cleats, Raymarine C series (we are looking to upgrade to E series and sirius marine weather). Engine wise, we run about 8-12gallon/hour per engine so about 16-24gallon/hour; it cruises nicely at 3200-3600RPM, but when we were in the intercoastal we opened her up to about 38000-4000RPM and she was flying over the water in the ICW. With the twins, docking is very simple. Like I said, our only problem is the size---we'd just like to get a little larger in the future. But again, the handling is amazing!
Best of luck to you!