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My Monterey


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Everything posted by orms

  1. Hey everyone It is that time again. Time to get the boat ready for the summer. Thie year I am wating to replace all my cabin lighting with LED lighting. I have a 1998 332. I was wondering if anyone has done this yet and if you have do you have any suggestions on what to get. I am unsure when it comes to this Thansk for the help Rob
  2. I have a 1998 322 monterey cruiser. I have a marine air vector A/C. The issue I am having is the unit will come on and begin to cool down. After cooling for a couple of minutes the unit switche back to fan and stops cooling. This is the cycle it goes thorugh. It never cools long enough to cool cabin down. Also the unit has a digital control panel. I have checked the following: 1 Freon level 2. Seacock strainers 3. Water discharge 4. Return air filter all of which are fine Does anyone have any ideas of what my problem can be? Thanks for any help you may offer. Orms
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