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My Monterey


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About poolshark01

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  • Birthday 07/07/1977

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  1. I have a 1998 242 cc with a 2011 venture dual tandem trailer. It has two rear bunks that cover the whole bottom of the boat, and one cross member with a v bunk on it. My question is with the boat all the way on (bow hook touching bow roller) should the boat be touching the cross member? mine is about a finger tip off the cross member. Also, I'm having the hardest time keeping the boat straight on the trailer when loading it. I've heard of changing the cross member with two center bunks, or installing guide polls. Which would work better? also this boat weights in a 5,200 lbs fully loaded. and my marine does not allow power loading. so diving the boat on will not work, that's why I have to drop the trailer in so far which allow the back to float around till I start pulling out.
  2. I have a 98 242 cr. It currently does not have a battery charger installed but has the spot on the shore power station for one. what is a good charger to install, and can it be wirer to the shore station with a breaker? I have on starter battery and one house battery with a perko two battery switch. also looking for something that allows both battery's to charger when running.
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