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My Monterey


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About Trott46

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  • Birthday 11/25/1982

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  • Location
    Mt. Carmel Illinois
  1. So a budd and I went out on the local wabash and white river today. The river is still high so we cruised up the white about 20 miles and decided to float awhile. We later found ourselves close to the bank as for the white is not a big river. so I went to start the boat and it was flooded. After 2 hours of floating and paddleing to stay away from the bank, I finnaly cracked the fuel line open and cleared the lines out as a last ditch effort. Luckly it worked. but my boat won't run at iddle or start without clearing the lines. If i turn it off it floods itself. I love my monterey but not to happy with mercruiser as of right now. Anyone have any ideas as of a cause to this? It is a 1997 180 with a 3.0L. I need a cheep fix so i can hit the water next weekend. Thanks anyone James
  2. Anyone else out there from southern Illinois or Indiana? Seen plenty of people from the coastal areas but not around here. James
  3. Just bought my first monterey. It did not come with an owners manual. Can anyone help.
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