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Bilge Pump Wiring on 190LS

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I understand from Monterey that the 190LS does not have a three way switch on the dash for the Bilge Pump and the two position rocker functions as the on for manual and then off. When in the off position the float switch is feed by a fused line direct from the battery. I had removed the connecting wires from the float switch and bilge pump prior to undersatnding this and am struggling with rewiring this, (I know this should be simple!!). In the bilge area there are three wires entering from the harness; black, brown and brown/red. Can someone confirm my wiring diagram as to how this should be wired for a bilge bump and seperate float switch and the designation for each of the incoming harness wires....



Bilge Wiring.pdf





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Wiring diagrams can be found the Owners Manual - you can download from the forums here under Sport Boat Owners Manual - wiring diagrams start at page M-32


The BROWN/RED wire is the +12V which comes via a fuse. This is the AUTO bilge pump and should go to one side of your float switch. The other side of your float switch should then go to your bilge pump. I am assuming the wire leaving the float switch is also BROWN/RED


The RED wire is the +12V from the rocker switch at the helm. This goes directly to your bilge pump. It does not go through the float switch.


The BROWN/RED (from the float switch) and the RED (from the helm) wires are connected together at the pump


The BLACK wire is a bit of a mystery. According to the wiring diagram it should be yellow. Either way, it should be the -12V and should be connected to the other side of the pump (i.e. the side that DOESN'T have the brn/red + red wires on it)


Your pdf is electrically correct. I don't have a 190LS but think it might be more likely the 2 positives are connected at one side of the motor rather than being joined in the harness as shown in your pdf. It doesn't make any difference electrically


Hope this helps some




I understand from Monterey that the 190LS does not have a three way switch on the dash for the Bilge Pump and the two position rocker functions as the on for manual and then off. When in the off position the float switch is feed by a fused line direct from the battery. I had removed the connecting wires from the float switch and bilge pump prior to undersatnding this and am struggling with rewiring this, (I know this should be simple!!). In the bilge area there are three wires entering from the harness; black, brown and brown/red. Can someone confirm my wiring diagram as to how this should be wired for a bilge bump and seperate float switch and the designation for each of the incoming harness wires....



Bilge Wiring.pdf





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