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My Monterey

Monterey 322 Dinette

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I just bought a 2004 monterey 322. I would like to convert the dinette into a berth with the extra cushions but can't figure out how. The guy I bought it from said to use a short pole for the table to lower it and put the cushions on top but that doesn't work. The table overhangs the booth seating so it won't drop down to create a platform for the cushions. Could someone explain how to convert from dinette to berth?

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Under your front bunk mattress is a board with a table leg mount. You will need to use the short leg you use for your aft deck table and tuck the edges of the board under your seat cushions. Then put your dinette where the board normally sits (there is an indentation for it). My boat did not come new with factory cushions to fill in this temporary berth so yours may not have either. I figured if I ever needed a fill cushion I would just cut it out of foam. For a more permanent solution get United Pillow Manufacturing out of Miami to build you one from a template you create.

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