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My Monterey

Water Infiltration inside the aft cabin

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Hi folks

I bought a 2000 322 recently and I noticed there is water coming from the floor in the aft cabin.

I removed the carpet to install a vynil floor.

It is a minute amount but I need to find the source of it and fix it.

The water seeps through the floor, and I can't find a hole or a crack.

What is beneath the floor close to the aft cabin window?

Does anyone have an idea?



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The fresh water tank is directly underneath there. Also. The center bilge for the shower also runs under there. You may want to check the bilge - if it’s like my 2004, the access panel is just outside the door to the head. There should be a bilge pump and shower box in there. Make sure it’s draining properly. Hope that helps. 

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Fonally Finally, the a/c also drains into the same bilge area. If the a/c unit itself overflows its tray, it drains from underneath the main berth at the bow into the shower tank, which is why you should always have the shower sunp punp running if the a/c is on. If that isn’t working, the shower sump would overflow and drain into that area as well. 

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I had this same issue with a small leak into the after cabin. The AC water tray was way too high. Bilge worked. After removing the lower AC drain line off the bilge below I noticed it was filled with rust and debris. Shop vac from the lower end and done it was fixed. My access panel was under the stairs. 

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