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Alarm goes off for a short time

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I have a 5.7 Bravo 3 and the alarm goes off when I am backing down from a higher speed like 30 -35 mph, if I back down slowly it doesn't go off. It goes off for 2 to 4 second then quits. The oil presure is around 40+ and the temp is around 175. The lower unit oil is also full. What else makes this alarm go off? Any ideas? Help!

I am in fresh water so I don't have a closed water system.

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I have a 5.7 Bravo 3 and the alarm goes off when I am backing down from a higher speed like 30 -35 mph, if I back down slowly it doesn't go off. It goes off for 2 to 4 second then quits. The oil presure is around 40+ and the temp is around 175. The lower unit oil is also full. What else makes this alarm go off? Any ideas? Help!

I am in fresh water so I don't have a closed water system.


Hi there,


The best person to respond to you is a local dealer mercruiser, but i have an idea do you have any vegetebles in the sterndrive or near the propeller?, or it can be an info that the engine recives in a moment that indicate a problem and then the problem is off and the alarm gets quiet, but any way that´s not normal in a mercruiser, i recomend a mercruiser dealer to take a look at that, please info us what was the problem so we can know if that happen to any one off us.


Ride with your heart


Best Regards



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I have replaced the impellar and the thermostate. The temp gauge still only read 175 deg Ferenheit at the highest temp. I have noticed that the riser on the starboard side is approx 20 deg Ferenheit hotter the the port side but still no higher temp than 75 deg on the temp gauge. I pulled the riser on the starboard side to see if it was pluged. I flushed the sand out of the block also. I also replaced the temp sensor. When I pulled off the hoses on the seawater pump there was very good incoming water flow from the lake. After all this, Still the alarm goes off for a short time when I am pushing the boat at about 3100 RPMS. It als goes off when I come down quickly off of plane. Help

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Oh, if I unplug the temp sensor the alarm does not go off. Therefore this is why I have replaced all the thing that would relate to the temperature zone. The outdrive fluid is full.

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I found the problem. There is really nothing wrong as I suspected. I had Marine Max Dealer come out and he could not find anything so with a few phone calls they suggested that we unplug the wiring to the ignition system on the motor and look for crosion. there was no crosion but when we pluged them back in there was no longer an intermittent alarm going off.

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