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My Monterey


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About flyboy

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  1. If you have a mercriuser engine like I have, they have sent me a paper in the mail with my engine and drive serial numbers and model numbers with a website called mercury parts express that I beleive you can get on at the main website for mercury, and get any part you need. The letter I got also said I could use any mercury authorized dealer for warranty work. Good luck.
  2. Keith, I know what you mean. It is hard to find but not so hard to get to and work on. The first year I let the boat dealer do my oil change and drive gear oil and my winterization, but over the winter I bought the mainteance manuals for my boat which is also like yours 2007 FS180 with a 4.3 mercruiser engine that I bought in July 2006. You proably know by now where your oil filter is, on the port side bottom back of your engine. I considered going to a remote oil filter also, but proably will not now. I took the port side panel off beside the engine with just a couple of screws and un hook the hydraulic shock, just make sure you use a block of wood to hold up the door. I was then able to get myself inside the compartment, and I'm 5-10 190 pounds, and reach my oil filter with ease. The boat dealers wo'nt tell you that, they want you to think its really difficult to do. If your like me you don't have money growing on trees around your house. Your right there is a lot you can do yourself,and knowing its getting done, when you do it, and not having to wonder later did they do what I asked and paid for. I also left my panel beside my engine off until spring because I'm goint to lubricate just before I dewinterize. Good luck with the boat, I hope your family enjoys it as much as mine has.
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