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My Monterey


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About Jakedace

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  1. Probably best to get that info from Lenco or Bennett. They will have sizing guides for your boat.
  2. Not 100% sure about volvos but my merc bravo 3 drives are both RH...my mechanic told me dual props are all RH spinning drives and don't need to be opposing like a single prop drive
  3. Wherever you place the amp make sure you have wire run access to the main radio/deck and access to the location you want to put the sub. You will also need to run power lines direct from the batteries to the amp so plan for that wire run also.
  4. You need to make sure nothing is blocking the vent line. Quite often you will find that insects can build little nests there. You should see a small vent cover thru hull fitting on the same side as your fuel fillup fitting. It should unscrew allowing you to clean it. Otherwise you may need to gain access to the top of the fuel tank and either blow obstruction to outside or replace the vent tubing al together.
  5. You should find it attached to the transom area with the flexible hosing (looks like flexible dryer venting) atrached to either end.
  6. Hello pprim332...did you ever get this solved...i also have a 322 that just had two newly rebuilt emgines installed and I'm getting water in both engines on both sides, just sitting at the dock...flappers are also new... interesting if the spacers solved your issue.
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