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My Monterey

Electric Trailer Winches

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Are you using an electric trailer winch and if so, which brand?


Pros and Cons.


Many of the ramps here in the Northwest are pretty steep and I'm no spring rooster anymore and would like a bit of electric help.


With all of the different winch companies, Powerwinch, Warn, Rule, I'm not sure which would be a long lasting winch (execpt Warn, I'm sure they'll last my lifetime.).


Thanks in advance



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I wouldn't use an electric trailer winch on my boat if the ramps are steep. Make shore your bow can handle the weight of your boat at that grade. Could be bad if you pull the bolt out of you bow. The torq of your hand winch is less then an electric trailer winch. and may over pull.



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I've driven up onto the trailer and we've also both floated the boat up onto the trailer with 5 or so feet left to winch up. My hand winch pulls the boat up okay, I'm getting older and don't want to crank it anymore. The ocean water temp is always in the low 50's during the summer and mid to low 40's in the winter, and neither of us looks forward to walking in it. I'd rather press a button and let electricity pull the boat up the last few feet.

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