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My Monterey

Monterey 250CR fuel consumption

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I have a 2005 Monterey 250CR with 5.7L Volvo penta. Does any one know the fuel consumption on this boat is? Crushing range? A rough idea.

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I have a 2005 Monterey 250CR with 5.7L Volvo penta. Does any one know the fuel consumption on this boat is? Crushing range? A rough idea.


Aprox. 2.5 miles per gallon at 23 mph in salt water with 5 to 10 mph wind and 2 foot swells. Picific Ocean.


Hull speed is aprox. 6 mph and the burn is aprox 6 to 7 miles per gallon with no wind and 1.5 to 2 mph current in fresh water, Coulmbia River.

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