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My Monterey
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rio man


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I have a 2007 Volvo Penta with 32 hours on it. Just time to time it will die usually at the boat dock when it is at idle. I know everyone will say take it to the dealer but I would like to have my boat this summer and not sit there all summer.The boat is Monterey 214 FS I love the boat if I just solve this problem.

It will start back but when you put it in gear it will die unless you give more throttle than usual.It did this some last summer also. If anyone can help please respond.

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It could be the transition of "winter blend fuels" and summer temperatures. The fact that you say "it did this some last summer also" tells me fuel might be the culprit. Try topping off the tank with hightest and use a fuel stabilizer.


Gasolines have a different mix in the winter than they do in the summer months. This is done to aid in engine combustion in cold temperatures. Because boats are not normally used as often as cars...you can end up with a winter fuel mix when your boat is ready for SUMMER!


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