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My Monterey


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About scifi

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    Chicago IL
  1. Did you ever get the 320? I am in the same position....also have a 280scr..looing for something bigger. kyle
  2. Thanks cogs! Had a blast this past season. Looking forward to do a little more boating away from the city this umber...I.e. hitting the dunes, Milwaukee, maybe Michigan. I'm ready summer!
  3. Also a new monterey owner. I will be at the 31st street harbor in chicago. This will be my first time on lake michigan. I return from Afghanistan in a couple of weeks and looking forward to some fun on the water this summer.
  4. Rip5 Thanks for the reply. No, this will be my first cruiser/boat of this size. I have been in boats (friends) of that size before and liked them, so hopefully the size will not be an issue. Although, as you probably know, the twin jet boat docks completely different than the 280... as I have been told anyway. I have never owned a sterndrive boat. hopefully that will be ok as well. I go on a sea trial in a about a week or so... scifi
  5. Wanting to buy a new 2011 280 SCR with the 6.2 BIII DTS... does anyone have an feedback on this boat? is it enough engine size? any thoughts would be great. I looked at the Chaparral, Sea Ray, Rinker and the Monterey had the best layout for my needs. I currently have a 2008 Yamaha AR230....I love that boat, but looking for something I can spend weekends on. Thank everyone
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