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My Monterey


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About Rip5

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    West Michigan
  • Interests
    All things Boating

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  1. Check hose to thru-hull fitting. Might be clogged, or not connected.
  2. Just order the same length/type from West Marine or another on-line distributor. Same thing, and cheaper than ordering from a dealer.
  3. What "measurement's" are not correct ? Maybe fabricate one out of Un-obtainium.
  4. Here are a couple sources. https://newwiremarine.com/marine-grade-switches/marine-rocker-switches/ https://www.go2marine.com/category/13154/toggle-and-rocker-switches-for-boats.html If all switches went out, it's probably just a fuse or breaker.
  5. Cleats for Monty's are made by GEM. http://www.gemlux.com/catalog/deckhw-cleats Decals are ordered through a dealer only. If no longer available, you are pretty much out of luck.
  6. That is not normal. Can't say I have ever seen that before. Have your dealer look at it, it's worth a look.
  7. No switch for automatic. If batteries are on, it's "automatic" Providing your float switch is operational.
  8. One of dozens.... https://www.soundproofcow.com/soundproof-a-space-restaurant-office/soundproof-a-car-compressor-boat-pump-or-other-equipment/boat-soundproofing-2/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz6_Lw47M2wIVxFmGCh2GsAuTEAAYASAAEgLdKPD_BwE
  9. Have your batteries bench tested. Check for corrosion on terminals and starter.
  10. Tapping gauges is nothing new. I have done it for 20 years off and on with 5 different boats. Likely nothing wrong with your ground, tap away, and go boating!
  11. Spectrum Color MONTEREY 2017 PACIFIC BLUE F5518087K PATCH PASTE KIT
  12. No limitations, just noise when open. Not much gain in speed at WOT when open.
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