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My Monterey


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About norm

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  1. norm

    Boat Names

    2003 298 SC "NAUTI BY NATURE" Long point bay Lake Erie, Ont. Canada
  2. I also have a 298SC and would like to upgrade the sound system looking forward to this answer also perhaps behind TV for amp and under driver/rear seat cut a hole in storage compartment ?? for sub ??
  3. hello Thomasmon what is your ride ? I have A 2003 Monterey 298SC twin 350 mags brovo III's love the boat and it's performance Norm
  4. I have a 298 SC with twin 5.7 merc's bravo III's I have experienced this when I have been in a heavy weeded area all I do is stop the boat clear the weeds by reversing the engines (outdrives) This has solved the problem every time Norm
  5. Recently purchased a 2003 Monterey 298 SC with 5.7 merc's (180hrs) equipped with everthing including gen set. So far very impressed with boat's performance and handling. Is their any thing that I should be aware about this particular model. I have noticed that along the arch during heavy rains the top leaks is this pretty common ? If so is there a quick fix (besides a bucket) ? Norm
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