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My Monterey


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About Mojito

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  1. Hey B. glad to see you around here! This site has as many as 1500 registered users and unfortunately so little traffic.
  2. I have my 330sy now for 2 years. We are more and more happy with it everyday. Just a great layout, usage of spce, and equipment, we just love it.
  3. I do have a 330sy, and the 340sy is exactly the same boat, even on dimension but with a few enhancements. I didnt know that the head was different, what exactly the difference is?
  4. Just load the boat on the water, leave it there for a week, haul it and you will see where the water-line is, it will be very visible.
  5. Bob, are you planning in trading 'My Office' for a 280? The 280 is a very nice replacement for the 270. The 'Sun Island' and the helm improvement are great assets to the model. Of course then the beam increase is another great factor to consider. You'll love it. As far for powerplant, try to get the VP's w/duoprop and you'll discover that a BT is not necessary, always nice to have but.....
  6. Yes, the 08 model has the hard top as an optional. Where do you normally boat?
  7. We moved up to a 08' 330SY from an 07' 290. The 290 is a great boat, I had twin Mercs 5.0 EPI 260HP BIII. The boat handled very well rough seas, very comfortable to ride, good visibility, and great performer. Cabin is spacious and cockpit layout is really nice to entertain, there's a good amount of space for storage, overall a very nice boat. Boat cruises around 28MPH @ 3400 RPM's or so and does 22GPH at that speed. Had Smartcraft SC1000 installed, highly recommended. The 290 is part of what Monterey calls the 'New Generation'. The 290 is a very nice looking boat and overall I was really happy with it.
  8. We do live in Northern Virginia and we boat at the Chesapeake Bay. Home Port is Herrington Harbor South. The 330SY is our 3rd Monterey, we had a 290 and a 270 before. Check below a pic of the innaugural trip of our 330SY to Cambridge, MD
  9. It really does look FANTASTIC!
  10. Unbelievable the change of the new Forum and the new MONTEREY website. All the videos, downloads, information, the new look. What else can I say, 3 THUMBS UP MONTEREY and proud to me a member of this Family!!!
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