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Bilge pumps in cabin floor

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There are two bilge pumps in cabin floor with shower sump. Cant get them to come on even if i turn float manually. Seems that both not working it is a power issue. Nothing on DC panel for them. Any ideas where to look for their power supply ?

also the sump pump does come on if i run water in it.  

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My bathroom floor drain / shower bilge did not work on my 2021 M65. I found zero power to the bilge. In fact upon removing the 10" subwoofer I found the 5 amp bildge lead was not wired to anything. I ran my own power / ground wires off the helm fuse box and now have power to my mid section bildge. I'm sure the boat was optioned with the shower bildge, but it just didn't get connected. It's quite the manajarie of wires running through the boat to say the least. 






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